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nuit lumineuse

An unexpected stop in Old Montreal lead to "nuit lumineuse".

Photographed within Place d'Armes, this public square is the second oldest within the city. It is also lined with stunning architectural details and looming behind the lights is Notre-Dame Basilica.

The space was laid out back in 1693 and was named 'Place de la Fabrique'. In 1721 it took its current name as it was commonly used as a stage for military events. As you walk the square, benches silently mark the spot of a once underground public washroom. Built back in 1937, it is Art deco in style, with a footprint of 270sq.m. and had a project cost of $51,255 CAD.

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Source: Place d'Armes. (n.d.). In Wikipedia. Retrieved February 6, 2016, from'Armes

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